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Tashkent Medical Academy

History of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology

The Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Tashkent Medical Academy was founded in 1920 on the basis of the hospital of the psychiatric clinic of the Medical Faculty of Turkestan University.

On June 29, 1896, the official opening of the first specialized psychiatric institution in Central Asia took place, which is currently the clinical psychiatric hospital of the GUZa Khokimiyat of Tashkent. 116 years ago, this institution was documented as the “Department for Mental Illness at the Tashkent Military Hospital.” At the opening, the department consisted of three large buildings, which have now been preserved, intended for 24 military personnel and 26 (16 male and 10 female) – civilian departments.

With the appointment of L.V. Antsiferov as the chief physician of the hospital in 1921 and the organization of the psychiatric clinic of the medical faculty of Turkestan University on the basis of the hospital in 1920, the stage of revival and development of the psychiatric service begins. In the 2nd half of the 20s, construction was completed and the children’s neuropsychiatric sanatorium and the 4th clinical building, which houses the department and clinic of psychiatry of the medical faculty of the University, were put into operation.

The thirties are significant in the history of the hospital in that both the department and many of its departments, as well as the hospital as a whole, are headed by local European scientific and medical personnel. In the mid-30s, a number of graduates of the Medical faculty of SAGU – E.A. Blankfeld, D.V. Afanasyev and Yu.A. Blinovsky became candidates of medical sciences without defending dissertations based on published scientific papers.

Plans for the further development of the hospital, gradually pushed back to the forties, soon had to be postponed again due to the outbreak of the 1941-45 war. Among the staff of the department and the hospital participated in this war: V.D. Afanasyev (head of the department and chief physician of the hospital), A.E. Blankfeld, J.A. Blinovsky, S.L. Demenshuk, L.I. Demenshuk, N.V. Eremina, N.P. Lokai, O.A. Murtalibov (chief physician of the hospital). B.C. Portnov, P.P. Skvortsov, P.P. Smirnov, etc. In the early forties, the Department of Psychiatry was headed by Professor F.F. Detengoff. The end of the 40s was marked by another historical event – on April 27, 1949, for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the academic degree of candidate of medical sciences was awarded to Uzbek psychiatrist N.A. Aripov, who completed the dissertation “The influence of the Central Asian hot climate on the frequency of epileptic seizures and epileptiform states” under the guidance of Prof. F.F. Detengoff. In subsequent years, the chief doctors of O.A. contributed to the improvement of the organization and reorganization of psychiatric care for patients on the basis of a psychiatric hospital. Murtalibov and others, who, in close cooperation with researchers from the departments of psychiatry, have trained a whole galaxy of practitioners.

On January 5, 1962, a significant event took place for the hospital and the Republic – for the first time in its history, an indigenous representative of Uzbekistan, H.A. Alimov, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on psychiatry. In November 1966, Professor H.A. Alimov founded a new department on the basis of the hospital -the Department of Psychiatry of the Institute of Advanced Medical Training. With the foundation in 1972 by Associate professor T.I. Ismailov, three departments began to function successfully on the basis of the hospital of another department – the Department of Psychiatry of the Pediatric Medical Institute. Thus, the hospital is becoming the most powerful training center for scientific and medical personnel in the Republic.

The department of the 1960s, in the center – Professor Detengof F.F.

The department of the 1980s, in the center – Professor H.O. Alimov.

The department of the 2000s, in the center – Professor B.A. Toshmatov.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Z. S. Ashurov with the staff of the Department

Heads of the Department of Psychiatry:

1920 – 1921 – Y.V. Kanabikh, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

1921-1925 – S.A. Preobrazhensky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

1925-1931 A.V. Trapeznikov

1931 – 1934 – A.V. Antsiferov

1934 – 1940 – Y.A.Blinovsky

1940 – 1972 – F.F.Detengoff, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

1972 – 1997 – H.O.Alimov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

1997 – 2007 – B.A.Toshmatov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

2007 – 2012 – N.I.Khodzhaeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

2012 – present – Z.Sh.Ashurov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Professor Detengof F.F.

Professor Khudayar Alimovich Alimov

Professor Toshmatov B. A.

Professor Nazira Islamovna Khodjaeva

Scientific direction of the department

In the 30s

“Psychoneurology of pellagra” and “Neuromalaria” D.V. Afanasyev and Yu.A. Blinovsky.

In the 40s

“Diagnosis and therapy of closed skull injuries”, “The role of repeated injuries” (F.F. Detengof)
In-depth study of epileptic disease (Yu.A. Blinovsky, N.A. Aripov

Post-war years

A study of the clinic, dynamics, and typology of remissions in schizophrenia (H.A. Alimov, I.H. Monasypova)
Conditions for the development of relapses and ways to prevent schizophrenia (H.A. Alimov, 1961)
Investigation of the somatic state of patients with schizophrenia (A.A.Abdurakhimov, O.N. Eliseev)
Features of supportive therapy in schizophrenia (B.A. Tashmatov, 1972).
Pathogenetic mechanisms of schizophrenia (T.I.Ismailov, B.A. Tashmatov, N.I. Khodjaeva).
The study of the neural growth factor in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia (B.A. Tashmatov)

The 90s:

A number of scientific papers on the problem of schizophrenia have been completed (H.A. Alimov, I.H. Monasypova, N.S. Bulycheva, H.S. Khamdamov)
Remissions in paroxysmal schizophrenia (H.A. Alimov, I.H. Monasypova)
The study of nucleic acids in patients with schizophrenia (T. I. Ismailov)
The study of trace elements in patients with schizophrenia (D.G. Gulyamov, 1975)
The study of alcoholic psychoses and drug addiction (Prof. – H.A. Alimov, A.U. Shayusupova, N.I. Khodzhaeva, Sh.Sh. Magzumova. Ph.D. – Sh.Kh. Sultanov, Z. S. Ashurov, U. H. Kuchkarov, A.T.Shamsiev).

2000-2024 years:

Ashurov Z.S. Clinical features of female alcoholism with various types of social adaptation and optimization of differential therapy
Kuchkarov U.H. Neurosis-like disorders in the post-abstinence period of heroin addiction and tactics of differentiated therapy
Shamsiev A.T. Prognostic factors of heroin addiction
Sultanov Sh.Kh. Naltrexone drug in the complex therapy of patients with heroin addiction
Bryantseva N.N. The cause and structure of neurotic disorders in sexual maladaptation of married couples
Fakhridinov S.H. Clinical and social factors of disability in patients with schizophrenia
Shadmanova L.S. Features of affective disorders at the stage of remission in chronic alcoholism
Mukhamedova Sh.T. Clinical features of female alcoholism against the background of menopausal disorders.
Yadgarova N.F.Clinical predictors of therapeutically resistant depression with positive efficacy.

The Department of Psychiatry and Narcology trains undergraduates in the specialties “Psychiatry” and “Neurology”, as well as clinical residents in the specialties “Psychiatry” and “Neurology”. From the very first days, the Department of Psychiatry took the main position in the training of scientific personnel and practical psychiatrists, on its basis the scientific school of psychiatrists of Uzbekistan was educated and formed.